NQF Konkurranseteppe
Med dette teppet deltok jeg i NQF konkurransen i år. Ensom, tosom, tresom var konkurransens tittel. Vinneren av åpen klasse var Sølvi L. Krokeide med "Life in a kaleidoscopic world". Mitt teppe heter "Alene, midt blant oss". Det er sydd i batikk og sort/hvite bomullsstoffer. Fuglene er felt inn i batikkstoffet og fylt med vatt, slik at det blir en tredimensjonal effekt.
With this quilt I participated in NQF competition this year. The winner was Sølvi L. Krokeide with "Life in a kaleidoscopic world". My quilt is called "Alone, among us". It is made of batik and black and white cotton fabrics. The birds are set into the batik fabric and filled with batting, making it a three-dimensional effect.
With this quilt I participated in NQF competition this year. The winner was Sølvi L. Krokeide with "Life in a kaleidoscopic world". My quilt is called "Alone, among us". It is made of batik and black and white cotton fabrics. The birds are set into the batik fabric and filled with batting, making it a three-dimensional effect.
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