UFO nr 5 Kameraveske
Kameravesken ble påstartet rett før nyttår. Alle deler var skjært til, men så stoppet det fordi jeg manglet borrelås og d-ringer. Borrelåsen trengte jeg før sammensying, slike småting kan virkelig får et prosjekt til å stoppe opp. Nå har jeg fullført og jeg er godt fornøyd med produktet. Navnelappen har jeg kjøpt her.
This camera case was started just before New Year. All sections were cut, but then it stopped because I did not have the Velcro and D-rings. Velcro I needed before joining, such things can really get a project to stop. I am very pleased with the finished product. Name tag, I've bought here.
This camera case was started just before New Year. All sections were cut, but then it stopped because I did not have the Velcro and D-rings. Velcro I needed before joining, such things can really get a project to stop. I am very pleased with the finished product. Name tag, I've bought here.
Herlege fargar :-)
Godt at du fikk ferdig denne flotte og kjekke veska her!
God søndag!
Staselige navnelapper :-)