UFO nr 7 og 8 i 2011
Endelig har jeg klart å få ferdig enda to UFOer. Begge to hadde glidlås og lukkekant som gjensto, så det skulle egentlig ikke vært så vanskelig å få ferdig da de ble sydd, men glidlåser er ikke det morsomste jeg vet. Den sorte/brune sminkepungen er sikkert 8-10 år gammel. Den blå toalettvesken er "bare" to år.
Finally I managed to finish two more UFOs. Both had the zipper and the binding which remained, so it should not really be so hard to get done when they were made. Sewing the zipper is not the funniest thing I know. The black/broun makeup bag is 8-10 years old. The blue toilet bag is "only"two years.
Finally I managed to finish two more UFOs. Both had the zipper and the binding which remained, so it should not really be so hard to get done when they were made. Sewing the zipper is not the funniest thing I know. The black/broun makeup bag is 8-10 years old. The blue toilet bag is "only"two years.